SouWester Spirits

Founder, Danielle Costley, is an internationally acclaimed wine, food and travel writer who has spent the last twenty years tasting wines, traversing through vineyards, picking grapes and learning what makes a fine wine.

Whilst studying winemaking, Danielle discovered a passion for distillation – in particular, barrel-aged spirits. She quickly secured the rare Iced Chardonnay barrels from Fraser Gallop Estate and started experimenting with gin and whisky.

While Danielle was writing her book, Beyond the Farm Gate, she discovered native botanicals that harnessed the flavours of the South West region and began infusing them in barrel-aged gins. Working closely with chefs, Danielle unearthed the versatility of the produce.

“This southern corner of Western Australia is overflowing with local produce. When you sip on our spirits, I want to conjure up images of this special part of the world,” she says.

“Ageing our spirits in rare Chardonnay barrels not only makes our spirits unique, but it also pays homage to the magnificent Margaret River wine region where we are based.” 

We hope you enjoy our journey – one swirl, sip or dram at a time.

SouWester: Definition

The SouWester is a well-known sea breeze that roars across the west coast of Australia during the summer months. As their barrels are within a stone’s throw from the Indian Ocean and the prevailing sea breezes, it seemed only fitting to call the distillery SouWester Spirits.


SouWester Spirits

Margaret River WA





Spirit of Little Things


Brix Sydney Rum