For the Love of Beer

It started the way most adventures start. With a spark of curiosity and a beer in the hand. And so it was for them, Old Wives Ales founders Nathan Keatch, Mattias Isaksson, Justin Spicer and Shannon Brooks.

While appreciating a good beer, they had each gazed lovingly at the amber hues and wondered ‘how do we make this stuff’?’

Starting out as home-brewers, they commandeered soup pots for kit brews and watched on as plastic tubs of murky liquid burped and bubbled in their sheds. It was yellow, it was fizzy, but it wasn’t good. Not in the beginning. But they were learning. They have each earned a first rate home-brewing education in exploding bottles, dead yeast and beer that tasted more like cardboard than malt, taking heart from the fact that slowly but surely, the beer was getting better.

They replaced the soup pots with stainless steel German systems and started entering competitions. They picked up some awards and family and friends who once turned their nose up at their dodgy brews, were suddenly asking us how they could get their hands on more of their porters, IPAs and wheat beers. 

It became obvious that between the four of them, they had the makings of a perfect brewing team. They simply couldn’t resist having a crack at sharing their brews with more people like you.


Old Wives Ales






Bad Shepherd Brewing Co


Wayward Brewing Company